Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges Hardcover – December 22, 2015

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are | Amy Cuddy | TED Talks

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Human Lie Detection and Body Language 101: Your Guide to Reading People’s Nonverbal Behavior

Human Lie Detection and Body Language 101: Your Guide to Reading People’s Nonverbal Behavior 1/13/13 Edition

7 types of social media account fraud as per the

7 types of social media account fraud

The Cyber Effect by Dr. Mary Aiken

(refer to Dr. Mary Aiken book, The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online)

We are living through an exciting moment in history, when so much about life on earth is being transformed. But what is new is not always good—and technology does not always mean progress. 

We desperately need some balance in an era of hell-bent cyber-utopianism. In the prologue to this book, I compared this moment in time to the Enlightenment, hundreds of years ago, when there were changes of great magnitude in human knowledge, ability, awareness, and technology. Like the Industrial Revolution and other great eras of societal change, there is a brief moment of opportunity, a window, when it becomes clear where society might be heading—and there is still memory of what is being left behind. Those of us who remember the world and life before the Internet are a vital resource. We know what we used to have, who we used to be, and what our values were. We are the ones who can rise to the responsibility of directing and advising the adventure ahead. 

It’s like that moment before you go on a trip, and you are heading out the door with your luggage—and you check the house one more time to make sure you’ve got everything you need. 

In human terms, do we have everything we need for this journey? 

At this moment in time we can describe cyberspace as a place, separate from us, but very soon that distinction will become blurred. By the time we get to 2020, when we are alone and immersed in our smart homes and smarter cars, clad in our wearable technologies, our babies in captivity seats with iPads thrust in their visual field, our kids all wearing face-obscuring helmets, when our sense of self has fractured into a dozen different social-network platforms, when sex is something that requires logging in and a password, when we are competing for our lives with robots for jobs, and dark thoughts and forces have pervaded, syndicated, and colonized cyberspace, we might wish we’d paid more attention. As we set out on this journey, into the first quarter of the twenty-first century, what do we have now that we can’t afford to lose?” (p. 303-304, The Cyber Effect) 

“Forensic science is the study of the physical evidence at a crime scene—fibers or bodily fluids or fingerprints. In TV terms, think CSI. Forensic psychology is the study of the behavioral evidence left behind at the crime scene, what we like to call “the blood spatter of the mind.” Then there’s my area, forensic cyberpsychology, which focuses on the cyberbehavioral evidence … “Every contact leaves a trace” … This is just as true in cyberspace”  (see p.6 The Cyber Effect)

Special task force … arresting the biggest human trafficker in the United States and one of California’s “Most Wanted”…. team of experienced professionals pulled from the FBI, Homeland Security, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), the California State Police, and the LAPD”   (p. 3 The Cyber Effect) 

“Not long ago, I was invited to join the Steed Symposium panel on cyber-security at the Los Angeles Film Festival and found myself sitting on a stage with blinding lights, awkwardly perched on a very tall director’s chair… Next to me, perched on his own precarious chair, was a famous ethical hacker, Ralph Echemendia, a brilliant self-taught tech expert who had recently served as the subject-matter expert on Snowden, the Oliver Stone movie.”   (p.278 The Cyber Effect) 

“I most recently found myself spending a good bit of time in Hollywood, working on the television show CSI: Cyber, inspired by my work. In the show, Patricia Arquette plays Avery Ryan, a special agent in the FBI Cyber Crime unit who is tasked with solving high-octane crimes that “start in the mind, live online, and play out into the real world.” That describes my work perfectly.”     (p.18 The Cyber Effect)

The comeback of cursive

The comeback of cursive

Once derided as a relic of the past, handwriting looks poised for a revival

refer to the Article via

PARENTS are not the only ones bemoaning the way so many schools have given up teaching children to write longhand. Researchers are also aware that more than mere pride in penmanship is lost when people can no longer even read, let alone write, cursive script. Not being able to exchange notes with the boss or authenticate signatures, for instance, can hurt a person’s chances of promotion. More importantly—and intriguingly—though, learning to join letters up in a continuous flow across the page improves a child’s ability to retain and understand concepts and inferences in a way that printing those letters (and, a fortiori, typing them on a keyboard) does not. It even allows insights gained in one learning experience to be applied to wholly different situations.

Neurophysiologists in Norway and France, for example, have found that different parts of the brain are stimulated when reading letters learned by writing them on paper, rather than by typing them on a keyboard. The movement and tactile response involved in handwriting leaves a memory trace in the sensorimotor part of the brain, which are retrieved when reading the letters involved. Being essentially the same for each key stroke, the feedback from typing lacks the kind of motor memories associated with individual letters. If handwriting reinforces reading, the implications for teaching are huge.

Similarly, researchers in America tested how college students performed when taking notes of a lecture by hand as opposed to using a laptop. While the laptop users took copious (mostly verbatim) notes, they fared far worse than the pen-and-paper scribblers when tested on what they recalled about the concepts and inferences of the lecture. Being slower, taking notes by hand forced those who did so to process what the lecturer was saying and then paraphrase it. This reflection and reframing allowed them to understand and recall the material better. In contrast, typing merely led to mindless processing.

In America, two developments have thrust penmanship back into the public arena. One is the reaction to the Common Core curriculum—a set of national benchmarks adopted recently by a majority of American public schools. This requires legible handwriting to be taught only in kindergarten and first-grade (ie, from age five to seven). Thereafter, the emphasis is on teaching keyboard skills.

The other, more subtle development stems from the way knowledge workers have lately become a good deal less desk-bound. As tablets and smart phones let people capture information while on the move or in the field, the bulky laptop is going the way of the portable typewriter a generation before. Meanwhile, the big strides made recently in software for handwriting recognition are rendering even screen-based virtual keyboards a clunky way of inputting data. One consequence is that employers hiring new staff are prizing the ability to write speedily and legibly in cursive.

As a result, a number of school boards in America have instigated a return to basics—especially time spent learning longhand. So far, more than half a dozen states—including California, Massachusetts and North Carolina—have made teaching cursive handwriting mandatory throughout their public schools. More than 40 other states are currently weighing similar measures.

The concern is over how best to encourage critical thinking, rather than how to help the young communicate. The problem is not that young people are writing less. They are writing hundreds, if not thousands, more words a day than they did a decade or so ago, says Anne Trubek in her recent book “The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting”. But this outpouring is done largely by pecking at a keyboard (real or virtual) rather than by pushing a pen across paper. Ironically, in the age of the mobile phone, chatting verbally over the ether has been superseded largely by texting, posting, e-mailing and social networking. Gone, it would seem, are the days of the inky-fingered wretch.

Not all that long ago, the penmanship taught in American schools was the envy of the world. The so-called Palmer handwriting method, adopted widely during the first half of the 20th century, relied on the muscles of the arm, rather than hand and fingers, to guide the pen across the page in a rhythmic, looping motion. In supplanting the slower and more elaborate Spencerian form of handwriting used in America from the 1840s onwards (see the Coca-Cola or Ford logos), the openness and simplicity of Palmer longhand let office workers match the speed of the increasingly popular typewriter.

While well suited for modern times, the Palmer method fell out of fashion in the 1950s. Educators deemed its regimented learning process inhibited free expression. The dogma of the day insisted children needed to be free to express themselves on the page as early as possible. The Zaner-Bloser writing method which gained favour instead taught first-graders to print in manuscript (ie, block letters) rather than learn to form cursive characters; only later would they be taught how to join the characters up into a continuous stream of words. Inevitably, the fad faded, as the burden of adding an extra learning stage took its toll. By then, however, the Palmer company had ceased to publish its landmark text book.

Certainly Ms Trubek is right about the impact technology has had on handwriting. The ballpoint pen is a case in point. Though the idea was originally patented in America in 1888, it was not until László Bíró, a Hungarian journalist, devised a thicker, quicker-drying ink in the late 1930s that the ballpoint (the eponymous “Biro”) became a practical utensil. Even then, it took a couple of decades more for the ballpoint to become cheap enough to rival the pencil, let alone the fountain-pen. Where the original Biro sold for the equivalent of $100 in 1943, the cost had plummeted to less than 20 cents by 1957, thanks to manufacturing improvements made by the French licensee, Marcel Bich. Billions of “Bic” pens and ballpoints from other license-holders have been sold over the subsequent years.

That is both good and bad. Being ubiquitous and essentially disposable, something to write with indelibly is almost always to hand. Unfortunately, the need to press a ballpoint into the paper to get the ink to flow—rather than having it glide like a nib across the surface—not only cramps the writer’s style but also tires the wrist and fingers, forcing the writer to adopt a more upright grip to alleviate the discomfort. Doing so, however, provides less control over the way the loops and letters are formed.

Gel- and water-based inks have eased the problem somewhat. However, by being free to move in any direction, the ballpoint (and its close cousin, the roller-ball) can never provide the “guidance” a relief nib offers through being more mono-directional. That is why, prior to the introduction of the ballpoint, cursive italic script had not changed much since Renaissance times. Whether the writer used a sharpened quill or a relief nib dipped in ink, it was the most comfortable and natural way to write.

Those who have cultivated cursive handwriting often exhibit two quite different styles: a carefully formed “fair hand” for composing formal letters; and a scribble for making hurried personal notes. The two styles may appear different, but either will identify the writer as one and the same person. It turns out that handwriting is as unique an identifier as a person’s fingerprints. Even identical twins who share exactly the same complement of genes have different handwriting. A person may make a passable copy of another’s handwriting, but expert analysts will spot the forgery at a glance.

What makes handwriting a unique identifier stems in large part from where the writer was born, the first language spoken and, of course, the handwriting method taught at school. Individual experiences play a role, as do childhood diseases. Children with ADHD, for instance, can readily be diagnosed from the random nature of their handwriting. Overall, the characteristics that make a script uniquely one’s own include the roundness or pointedness of the characters; their size, slope and spacing, as well as the thickness of the individual strokes. Two other identifiers are the pressure exerted on the paper and the arrhythmic pattern of certain elements. The two latter features are used widely in point-of-sale terminals to authenticate a person’s signature.

To Ms Trubek, a former professor of English at Oberlin College in Ohio, the disappearance of handwriting (or telephone conversations) from daily life does not necessarily signify a decline in civil intercourse. More likely, it denotes the end of one stage in the evolution of communication and the beginning of another—just as the Gutenberg printing press put paid to the livelihood of monks who produced illuminated manuscripts.

Digital ink may well be the Gutenberg press of today. This emerging technology (Windows Ink from Microsoft and Interactive Ink from MyScript Labs are good examples) uses machine learning and contextual analysis to recognise anything that can be written or drawn by hand on a touch-sensitive screen, and then turns it into digital form ready to be searched, stored, shared, annotated and edited collaboratively. The technology can handle free-hand sketches, mathematical equations, chemical structures and musical notation just as readily as cursive handwriting.

With nothing more than a tablet computer, digital ink lets users capture their spontaneous thoughts, as if doodling on paper. Though still in the early stages of its development, the technology promises to turn sketches and scribbles instantly into web pages, polished documents or anything else that needs to be published. Adding digital power to the ancient art of inscribing symbols on surfaces may, indeed, mark the next stage in the evolution of communication. If so, handwriting, far from falling by the wayside, would seem poised for prime time once more.

World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17

World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17

by G. Edward Griffin (Author)

Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics – and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic.



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