Among all useful information, professors also teach a lot of information, which is not necessary for the life of future adults. There are also many teachers who do not know what to teach for a better return on investment. First of all, many studies have become masters of a significant amount of knowledge, although Young (2014) does not consider it as what matters in the life of a student. The information in the textbook may not be what the students need or wish. As an alternative, most people will say that education must prepare the students for life, but most of the information delivered in schools does not work in this regard. According to Herold and Waring (2017), teachers usually go through standard education methods and deliverables of education materials, with massive data to cross-over, which becomes normality and a default concept of education. However a large knowledge base is not useful if it is not used. Information is meant to be used directly or indirectly by helping the individual to make connections, and it should not be taught for the single purpose of accumulating knowledge. Nevertheless, people often focus on short-term success, which is passing well in a test and doing well in a spelling test. Unluckily, all the test data, the information students have reviewed, should be mastered or remembered, and would be useless if it is not used.
This article covers the following skills that I consider useful when teaching students.
Stress as a simple word can be bent and seems trivial. Stress is the body’s response to exploitation, threats or changes that a person experiences. Usually, this is due to busy schedules and a big volume of work. It is essential to keep in mind that stress is not a single concept. This emphasizes the fact that a person cannot distort the next person due to the concept of stress. Therefore, it is important for the students to be taught stress management in order for them to understand the causes and consequences of stress, in addition to identifying stressors and coping with stress. At the same time, numerous circumstances, situations, and costs can be charged. These situations and stressful pressures are called stressors. Stress factors can be generated by internal and external factors (Renzi, Oliveri, & Pravettoni, 2015).
Jenny et al. (2014) argues that when the body faces stress factors, its reaction is to enter a protection mood by remaining focused, energetic and alert, as going through combat and kicks reflection. Studies have revealed that a sufficient amount of controlled stress can strengthen brain function, strengthen the immune system, and better prepare the individual for any other stressful situations that can positively affect the emotional health of a person’s work and family life.
Once the students learn about stress management, they will be able to discover themselves having many of the stress symptoms, be aware of the stress presence in their lives, and once this happens, it would be the right time for them to regain control (Jenny et al., 2014). The first step in overcoming stress is identifying the warning signs, recognizing the stressors in their life and mastering stress management, would be by changing the stressful situation and influence the response.
People with anxiety disorders are in a state of anxiety in most of their time. Anxiety disorders do not comprise only nervousness and anxiety. They can result in a terrible fear of things which the other individuals do not think about. Many individuals with anxiety disorder appreciate that their opinions are illogical, but they cannot end them (Batelaan, Van Balkom, & Stein, 2012).
According to Batelaan, Van Balkom, & Stein (2012), the management of anxiety disorders and depression should be handled and controlled with the help of a therapist. It is very important that individuals with anxiety and depression get a good evaluation in order to eliminate bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a state wherein emotions can move between very low and very high levels of obsession and despair and is being treated very differently from the anxiety disorder with depression.
We get sick when we subject ourselves to unhealthy thoughts (the proverbial rotten tomatoes). Mental health is where problems start. Mental health can be improved by smiling, mindful meditation of how thoughts play in our mind and breathing deeply (Ea, 2018). It would be valuable for students to learn when and how to accept whatever is between their hands and overcome depression, anxiety and panic attacks.
Maier, Takano, and Sapir-Pichhadze (2017) point out that rejection, lack of appreciation, failure and disappointment are normal elements and feelings of everyday life, regardless of the success of a person. All humans are looking for acceptance, alignment, approval from friends, families, colleagues, managers and society. However, there is the risk and even the certainty of rejection and disagreement. Almost everyone, no matter how self-confident they are, they worry when they get rejected in one of these situations. However, some individuals seem overwhelmed.
This is why students have to learn what it takes to react repeatedly to rejections and lack of appreciation. They should learn that there is something to be done about it and will be able to find out in advance what possibilities concrete efforts will bring. If the chances are high, there is no reason not to try. It is also an excuse not to be dispirited by rejection (Maier, Takano, & Sapir-Pichhadze, 2017). Lastly, they will remember that rejection is not essentially, perhaps not generally, a reflection of who one is, what he or she wrote or how they think, and nothing will stop here, by learning perusing the individual’s dream(s).
All people feel sad sometimes. Sadness is a normal emotion which can make life more exciting. Nearly at all times sadness is accompanied by loss. People are frequently sad when they say farewell to a loved one. The suffering is even deeper when an intimate relationship ends or when a dear friend is dead. However, sadness helps people to enjoy happiness. When one’s mood finally changes from sadness to joy, such changes will be more enjoyably and appreciated (Tay & Kuykendall, 2016).
Learning about sadness and happiness management will enable students to experience normal sadness in a healthy way which will let this feeling enrich their lives. Tay and Kuykendall (2016) indicate that the refusal of these feelings can cause them to move to the underworld, where they can cause more harm over time. They will understand the importance of crying when they feel like, which might be a good way of discharging emotions, since we are living humans experiencing diverse feelings. They will realize that they feel relieved after stop crying. They will learn to do activities that will help manage both emotions through: writing a journal, listening to music, spending time with family and friends, or painting in order to show the emotions of sadness. They will think impartially to feelings and enjoy the waves of experience. Sadness may come from a change one did not anticipate, or it might signal that one will have to make a change in his or her life. Emotions change and they come and go. Thus, the students will be able to know when sadness changes to depression, ask for help if this happens and don’t give up.
If people have a credit card, they can make purchases without worrying if they have enough cash in their pocket or in a debit account to pay the bill. It makes the budget and liquidity management more essential and equally essential. Good management of personal finances is not only essential to achieving long-term objectives, but also vital in the short term. It is a set of skills that can protect people from spending irresponsibly a large amount of money (Suthinee, Robert, & Nina, 2016).
There is never a shortage of seductive things to purchase. Setting a budget for the amount of fun one can pay for a month allows them to control costs. Students can learn the importance of responsible spending, which is extremely important, as responsibilities such as: student loans, vehicle loans, revolving loans (credit cards) and home mortgage might add up and become the students’ shadow for the rest of their life. Suthinee, Robert, & Nina (2016) indicate that it is not possible to defer these payments or credit card accounts without additional fines or interest. With the right planning and budget, the students can avoid uncontrolled debts in future.
Farrell (2017) says that the management of time is, first of all, the ability to organize and plan the time dedicated to daily activities. The outcome of good time management is greater efficiency and productivity. It is a fundamental feature of project management and includes expertise like planning, setting goals and setting priorities to improve productivity with respective to the running cost.
Learning this skill will enable students to understand that the lack of effective time management may have a negative effect on a long-term project and on their own life. Time is among the three triple conditions of any project and any nonconformity from the program influences the cost and possibility of the project (Farrell, 2017). In general, time is money. Inefficient management of time can also lead to increased stress and frustration of the planning director and team members. One of the key factors in time management is learning not to postpone today’s activities untill tomorrow. Furthermore, remembering the reasons for starting such activities would be the second key factor to keep you going and motivated. Just be aware that, within the present cyber era, there are a lot of time thieves, starting and not limited to Social Media (eg.: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc.), and Online Entertainment (online movies, long lasty serial movies, online games, etc.).
Anger is part of daily life. Unconscious or aware, hate, violence, antagonism and hostility are present in our daily lives. Several psychological concepts of human development underline the universality of the child’s tussle with the basic imaginations of guilt, aggressiveness, and repatriation. It seems that these fantasies come from the basic feelings of frustration and anger. A number of theories approve that people get angry at the beginning of their lives (Candelaria, Fedewa, & Ahn, 2012).
The skill will make the students understand that the absence of anger management can be catastrophic, as it can have an emotional effect on a person’s mental health and interfere with individual and professional affairs. Learning how to manage anger is a necessity for those who cannot control their anger and the wrath in their lives. The management of anger can be a common solution for a person’s health. According to Dr. Christian, learning “how to let go” is vital in anger management. This can be done by actively replacing old anger thoughts with new active ones, with less self-focus, thinking of helping others and being thankful for all the beautiful things we have (Conte, 2018).
The current school experience is not suitable for students and it is necessary to present proposals on more relevant topics related to life. Instead of developing advanced skills, such as differential calculus in the first twelve years of study, which will almost never be used in life, students can become a sort of “expert amateur” in statistics (Young, 2014). Indeed, expert amateurism has worked very well for most of the people’s lives, like nurturing children, paying taxes, art, calculating insurance rates or taking care of the body’s health. Furthermore, teachers should focus on teaching other skills like how to manage stress, fighting with depression, anxiety, eliminate panic and lack of recognition, managing sadness and happiness, saving money in their pocket, and managing time and anger in everyday life.
The above list is not limited only to these seven elements to be taught and considered within the present Cyber Era. It can further include and not be limited to subjects such as: Self-Healing, Meditation, Health, Nutrition, Orientation and Survival in Nature, Environmental Protection, Securing respective Online Persona, Lecturing, Public Speaking and Presentation Techniques, History of Religions, Acceptance to Others, Animals Care, Psychology, Self-Assessment, Interviewing Techniques, Profiling, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and People Intelligence (PQ).
- Batelaan, N. M., Van Balkom, A. J., & Stein, D. J. (2012). Evidence-based pharmacotherapy of panic disorder: an update. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology , 15 (3), 403–415.
- Candelaria, A. M., Fedewa, A. L., & Ahn, S. (2012). The effects of anger management on children’s social and emotional outcomes: A meta-analysis. School Psychology International , 33 (6), 596-614.
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- Renzi, C., Oliveri, S., & Pravettoni, G. (2015). The importance of stress management in the presurgical phase. Psychosomatic Medicine , 77 (2), 209–210.
- Suthinee, S., Robert, L., & Nina, H. (2016). The impact of social and financial education on savings attitudes and behavior among primary school children in Uganda. Evaluation Review .
- Tay, L., & Kuykendall, L. (2016). Why self-reports of happiness and sadness may not necessarily contradict bipolarity: a psychometric review and proposal. Emotion Review , 9 (2), 146-154.
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