Transformational Energy Coaching as per Karen

Transformational Energy Coaching

Transformational Energy Coaching is a unique combination of Reiki energy healing and transformational coaching that assist clients on their journey to understanding their life’s purpose and bring it openly into the world in their personal and professional lives. By threading a tether on which clients can move between their spiritual and human aspects they can explore their spirituality as well as examine their daily lives in reality. The tether allows clients to move easily from the human day to day into the ethereal aspect of their spiritual selves. Awareness of being both human and spirit creates balance and knowing. This in turn brings peace and understanding into the lives of those who experience this type of energy coaching.

Energy is everywhere. In that energy is information. Using a transformational coaching conversation and combining it with healing energy that is always present, clients open in a way that he/she can see themselves, their behaviors, and places where they are stuck. Through this awareness comes transformational healing and growth on all levels. A shift occurs and a new way of being appears.

Working one-on-one and through workshops and seminars, Transformational Energy Coaching moves clients to their own truth and freedom. Filled with love and compassion, clients are held in a non-judgmental way, embracing everything as the teacher, while creating a container of safety to explore even the darkest thoughts in an empowering way.

Benefits of Transformational Energy Coaching

  1. Resolving life long issues
  2. Making meaningful life decisions
  3. Discovering life purpose
  4. Becoming self aware
  5. Escalated spiritual Growth
  6. Resolving Family/Relationship issues
  7. Becoming aware of life skills and talents
  8. Freedom and Resourcefulness
  9. Getting in touch with inner wisdom
  10. Letting go of guilt and shame
  11. Letting go of negative thoughts
  12. Embracing what serves you
  13. Know your truth
  14. Decide how you to live and work in the world

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